“Chandra Harvey Featured in July at Village Gallery of Local Artists”


Crystal suncatcher artist Chandra Harvey will be the Featured Artist at the Village Gallery of Local Artists for the month of July 2024. A reception will be held on Friday, July 5th, from 5 to 8 p.m. to showcase her work. Harvey will be present to discuss her work and explain her process.

Harvey utilizes a variety of glass and crystal components, incorporating Chakra colors and other color combinations, as well as a multitude of shapes, to create crystal art suncatchers. Her display by the gallery’s window lends her work optimal access to the sunlight, which extols not only her moons, stars, and rainbows, but also hummingbirds, fairies, angels, and dragonflies.

Originally from the Philippines, Harvey taught preschool and grades kindergarten to 6th grade, both there and in the U.S. for over seventeen years. She taught reading, writing, music, and drama with the older students, as well as hands-on art and craft activities with the youngest students. In 2004, Harvey began working as an artist and now creates her art full-time.

By the age of twelve, Harvey already showed an interest in drawing and music. Music remains an integral part of her life and creative process. “I study Indian classical music at present. . . [M]usic and crystal suncatchers became the biggest part of my life as an artist.”

Although Harvey’s work appears at first glance to be delicate, art collectors find her suncatchers sturdy enough for outdoor display on patios and in gardens. Other clients hang her pieces in their cars or offices.

Her process is meticulous and systematic, while still fluid and intuitive. “I lay out all the tools and materials, considering the color of the beads, matching all the shapes, and how light will reflect through the suncatchers. And I come up with a design.” Harvey selects a variety of charms, beads, spacers, glass crystals, and pewter accessories to support the unique design. “Each piece is a treasured creation that reflects according to the mood it brings me.”

The crystal glass bead becomes the centerpiece of Harvey’s suncatcher, allowing it to capture light and sparkle. She adds pewter to accentuate the layout with elegance as a contrast to the bright crystals. Sometimes, she includes a decorative chain, loop, or S-hook on the end of the full piece. Harvey explains, “These ensure that it’s securely fastened and can sustain the weight of my creation.”

The public is invited to meet Chandra Harvey, view her work, and discuss her process from 5-8pm on Friday, July 5th. Refreshments will be served. The Village Gallery is located at 6512 State Route 179 in the Village of Oak Creek and is always accepting applications for unique art and new membership. For more information, go to sedonalocalartists.com or phone (928) 284-1416.